
celebrity chefs!

Who are these talented, creative celebrity chefs giving a revolutionary cooking demonstration at a first-class, exotic locale? Why, yours truly, of course!

Next Sunday, Jordan and I will be giving a seasonal cooking demonstration at El Dorado Nursery and Garden. Our demo is paired with a discussion on fruit and vegetable gardening by Farmer Fred from the KFBK Garden Show.  This event is your one-stop-shop for local and seasonal produce from start to finish. If you’re in the area, please stop by!

Event Details
Sunday, May 22nd
1 pm – 4 pm
El Dorado Nursery and Garden
3931 Durock Rd. Shingle Springs, CA
FREE! No reservations are needed.

We’ll post the recipes we prepare after the event, if you can’t make it but still want to expand your seasonal cooking repertoire.


Randomness Uncategorized

our csa from eatwell farms

We’ve been a member of the Eatwell Farms Community Supported Agriculture program for several months now and we couldn’t be happier! The produce is amazing, the variety inspiring and we’ve been forced to experiment. So many great recipes have been born out of “tricky” ingredients. Another awesome thing about eating with the seasons is how excited we get about new produce as it comes into season. We haven’t had strawberries since last July and that makes the first spring strawberries absolutely amazing! Perfectly sweet-tart, a deep red all the way through, and they go bad in about a day – that’s how you know they’re the real deal.

In this week’s box we received: strawberries, navel oranges, marjoram, parsley, lemons, sugar snap peas, green garlic, spring onions, stir-fry mix, radishes and carrots. Yum!

If you are interested in joining a CSA, please visit Local Harvest to find one in your area.

Happy Spring!


Randomness San Francisco

our csa from eatwell farms …

… and the first strawberries of the season!!! I am so excited for the next few months of amazing spring and summer produce!

Aren’t they absolutely adorable! Don’t you just want to eat tons and tons of them!

And one other note: Our apologies for the lack of posts lately. We’re working on a few new projects and they’ve been consuming our culinary energy. Once the results are in, we will have some awesome insight for you guys!

Spring love to all of you!


Randomness San Francisco

our first passover seder

Tuesday we celebrated our first passover seder. Our neighbor Robin moved far away from her family on the East Coast and so she didn’t have any real Jews to celebrate with. We decided to do our best to fake it and turn out an awesome Passover Seder anyway. Under Robin’s tutelage, we did. Our Passover Seder was awesome – great food, great friends, a great time!

Here are some photos I took during the dinner.

The chickens before I roasted them. The light was so pretty, I couldn’t resist.

The seder table.

Our view during dinner. Seriously, what a beautiful city!

The seder plate.

Robin’s matzoh ball soup – carefully crafted from her mother’s recipe.

Robin’s pup Honey also had an awesome time at the seder.

A tower of matzo – the perfect vehicle for salted butter! And you all know how much I love butter!

The spread – roasted chicken, roasted vegetables, matzoh kugle, risotto with leeks and wild mushrooms (not kosher for Passover, but absolutely delicious!), salad with beets and oranges, and matzo!

And for dessert – Nonnie’s cheesecake with a coconut macroon crust. (I had a bit of trouble cutting the slices so it looked a little worse for wear, but it was delicious none the less!)



our csa from eatwell farms

As we described a couple of months ago, Jordan and I joined a CSA (community supported agriculture) group. We’ve been enjoying our boxes of super seasonal and fresh produce and trying new recipes like linguini with leeks and fresh ricotta and strawberry lemonade sorbet. Our farm is Eatwell Farms and I want to share the beautiful produce we just picked up!

This week we received: oregano, navel oranges, lemons, dandelion greens, chard, green garlic, leeks, pink lady apples, carrots, savoy cabbage, and sweet potatoes.

If you are interested in joining a CSA, visit to find one in your area.



thanks liz!

I just wanted to quickly share the adorable art that Jordan’s awesome sis made for us …

She took pages from our blog and made these images from the text. The size of the word corresponds with the amount of times it appears. Wow!  Thanks Liz!

Ps. My pictures don’t even do these cuties justice! She even framed them all nice. I can’t wait to squeeze them onto the walls of our tiny apartment! Time to bust out the level!



i am a lucky girl

because this handsome guy …

… takes the dog out at 7 am on Saturday morning and then makes me breakfast in bed.


Randomness San Francisco

pork happy hour at the fatted calf

The Fatted Calf is an amazing artisanal charcuterie based in Napa, CA. They also have a store in the Hayes Valley neighborhood of San Francisco where you can purchase their delicious sausages, salamis, pates, confits and freshly-butchered, humanely-raised meats.

The Hayes Valley store (320 Fell St) hosts a Pork Happy Hour every Wednesday from 5:30 pm – 7 pm. The best part: they expertly butcher a whole hog right in front of your amazed eyes!!! Other great parts: free beer and snacks, custom cuts of meat, samples of their delicious wares and general pork-lover merriment.

If you are in the area on a Wednesday, check out the Pork Happy Hour. It doesn’t disappoint. And if you can’t make it out on a Wednesday, visit some other time and enjoy access to some mind-blowing charcuterie!

(Seriously, how awesome is that!)



over the (long) weekend

Lots and lots of cooking, eating and drinking this weekend. I even took Monday off to prolong the festivities … Jordan is on Spring Break after all. We’ll delve into the details over the next few days, but here is a sneak peak. Yep, this is another photo-procrastination post!

Ribs and biscuits

Homemade bread

Brunch with the neighbors

Anchor Brewery Tour

Wow, we eat a lot of carbs.



the spaghetti and meatballs that saved my life

There is a lot to be said about good comfort food, but today I’m just going to say one thing. A plate of spaghetti and meatballs saved our livelihood.

To elaborate: I had a bad day at work. I had to run errands for work after I left the office. It was raining. I had a headache. I was supremely grumpy. But, I got home and sat down to a plate of spaghetti that was so comforting, so delicious, so soothing that upon eating it my plans to not return to work the next day (or ever) magically disappeared. Thank you spaghetti and meatballs (and Jordan) for preserving my sanity and my paycheck!

And just one culinary note: A mixture of ground beef and ground pork is essential for a heart-healing meatball. And don’t skimp and buy the 5% super-lean stuff – 20% fat is where it’s at.
