
we’ve got a recipe index! and email subscription too!

Another awesome announcement!

We’ve got a recipe index! 3 years of delicious recipes nice and organized for your viewing pleasure. If there is something you want to eat, but don’t find a recipe for it or if you want someone else to do the heavy lifting of perfecting a recipe, let us know! We’re always up to the challenge.

If you want to search for a recipe or ingredient, click the little grey (+) at the top of the page and a search field will open up.


But there is more! After 3 years, we’ve decided to migrate The Answer is Always Pork off of and onto our own server! More control, snazzy new blog design, no random wordpress ads. It’s great!

But sadly, we’re not able to transfer our WordPress followers and email subscribers.

If you’d like to get all of our new posts by email, please sign up here. Or click the subscribe link in the top menu.  

If you’d like to follow on WordPress like you did before, please do! Click the  button that appears in the top toolbar of WordPress sites or bottom right corner of your browser window (when you’re logged in).

Or now that Google Reader has met its untimely end, you can follow along on Bloglovin.

Em & Jordan

By The Answer is Always Pork

Cooking and Eating in San Francisco

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